Land Planning for Residential Developments

Benchmark Design Group has worked with developers throughout East Texas to provide residential development services that give our clients the solutions they need to maximize their profit while limiting environmental impact.

We offer traditional subdivision design services, including roadway design, utilities, water drainage, water management, and platting. We’re also available to work at any stage of the process, from early designs to site management and inspection.

If you’re beginning development in Tyler, TX or the Dallas/Fort Worth area, contact us today and see how we can deliver the solutions you need.

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Subdivision Layout and Site Planning

Benchmark has worked throughout Texas to design efficient, single-family subdivisions.

Whether for a master-planned neighborhood or individual sale, Benchmark has the experienced and dedicated civil engineers to ensure your project succeeds.

Multifamily Site Design

Our civil engineers have worked on multi family projects throughout the state.

Our completed projects include multi-story, large-scale developments and smaller projects, where we have been able to maximize capacity while minimizing impact.

Drainage & Water Management

Benchmark’s extensive experience with hydraulics/hydrology positions us to provide excellent drainage and water management designs.

We also provide floodplain analysis, erosion control, and wetlands remediation where needed.